Is Impact Capital a fit for your enterprise?

Do you have challenges raising operating funds or having to “re-package” or “re-invent” your programs so that grantors are excited about supporting them?

Do you lack expertise or understanding of earned revenue models that can diversify revenue streams?

Are you open to learning alternative sources of capital or potential partners to work with to grow scale and impact of your enterprise?

If you answered yes to any of these, our second mini-course in this series, Raising Impact Capital, is perfect for you!

In this mini-course you will:

  • Review examples of types of earned revenue and shared cost models for social impact
  • Understand who are impact investors and what are their interest in motivations
  • Identify which type of impact investors you best align with
  • Clarify different types of capital products and when they are most appropriate to use
  • Determine what next steps are needed to be ready to raise impact capital.
  • Receive feedback from Paul Wright after you submit your worksheet.

Ready to learn about impact capital and create a plan of action?