Why innovation in our work is good for all…

When we hesitate to try something new, it locks us out  of creativity in our work.

When we see patterns of innovation in other sectors or applications, we can converge ideas to apply innovation in our work in a new way.

Such innovation will help us address big problems and global challenges. If nonprofits can create earned-revenues, they can become more sustainable.

Growing your nonprofit requires innovation. But many organizations hesitate to try something new because they fear how it will affect finances.

To overcome this, you need new ways of thinking about raising capital to help you fund the good work you do, which means you should explore all the funding sources that are available for your organization. 

For example, nonprofits with earned-revenue (i.e., social enterprises) can often access impact capital and non-traditional funding sources to scale their programs and projects.  

But what if you don’t consider your organization a social enterprise? 

You still may be able to access impact capital—because social enterprises fall onto a spectrum. It’s not always black and white. 

Taking the time to understand where your organization fits on this spectrum will allow you to determine whether your organization is a good fit for non-traditional funding sources.

This mini-course will help you understand different social impact models. You’ll explore the spectrum of social enterprise components which you can apply to your own organization and programs, so you can determine whether you have the opportunity to access non-traditional funding sources. In addition, you will:

  • See examples of innovations in the public, private, and philanthropic sectors
  • Learn about innovative business models that combine earned revenues and social impact
  • Apply an innovative framework to assess your own organization or work
  • Explore the difference between sustainable and self-sufficient models
  • Determine whether Raising Impact Capital is right for you

You’ll walk away ready to grow your nonprofit with innovative thinking.

This session is perfect for nonprofit leaders who are curious about whether non-traditional capital is a good fit for their organization. 

This is the first webinar in Paul Wright’s Innovate Now learning series. The second session, Advance Your Organization by Raising Impact Capital, will help you understand the non-traditional funding sources that many nonprofits can access. 

Ready to learn about innovative models that combine earned revenues and social impact?